Dignity/New Brunswick
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Love and Gratitude

Love and Gratitude,  Thanks and Praise,  Hugs and Kisses

A heartfelt and belated thanks to Arik O for the wonderful job you did creating our website and incorporating our chapter.  You selflessly and single-handedly took it upon yourself to make these things happen.  All your hard work and generosity is greatly appreciated.

Arik, we should have thanked you a long time ago and we apologize for that.  We're sorry it took us this long to acknowledge what you did for us.  None of these things would have been possible without you.  You brought Dignity/New Brunswick into the 21st century!  Thanks again.

Thank you Deacon Tom S for the beautiful poetry you contribute to our newsletter.

Thank you Thom R for the beautiful music you grace our liturgies with.

Thank you Fr. Dan P and Fr. Charles M.   Without the two of you there would be no liturgies.

Thank you Mike K for the incredible newsletter you produce each month.

Dignity/New Brunswick will forever be grateful to:

All the wonderful people who founded Dignity/New Brunswick.

Ralph T who designed our banner.

Andy S who came up with the name of our newsletter 'Kairos'.

Pat P and Chet A who gave us our slogan 'Pride in our past....Promise in our future'.

Kenny P who created our 'Dignity Dan' newsletter cartoon.

John S who donated our altar stone.

Arik O who designed and created our website and who incorporated Dignity/New Brunswick.

All our past and present Dignity/New Brunswick members whose love, faith, dedication, generosity, hard work and sacrifice has formed and sustained our chapter over the years.

Dignity/USA for 50 years of love and perseverance.  Without Dignity/USA there would be no Dignity/New Brunswick.


Dignity/New Brunswick
P.O. Box 10781
New Brunswick,  NJ    08906